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Register for GÉANT and EaPConnect eHealth ‘baseline’ meeting – January 2021

Even before COVID-19, the shift to online activity was occurring in ever wider sectors of society, including health and medicine. Several national research and education networks (NRENs) have been supporting eHealth projects or offer eHealth-related services to their customers. To explore which topics in eHealth may be of relevance and common interest to national research and education networks, the EU-funded EaPConnect and GÉANT projects are organising an online workshop to be held at 10.00-15.00 CET on 27 January 2021. Registration is open.

This ‘baseline’ meeting will allow participants to hear from NRENs about their existing experiences and their planned or potential effort in the field of eHealth.


The objectives will be to assess three points:

  • Which topics of relevance for eHealth are also of relevance for NRENs  (primarily in the areas of network, cybersecurity, and trust and identity).
  • Which topics are already well covered?
  • Are there any gaps which might deserve further investigation? 

Based on the results of the inventory and the interest of the attendees, we will discuss what next steps might be applicable. The session is designed to unfold in an interactive format and we invite all NRENs interested to attend.

Three sessions

The eHealth baselining meeting will run in three sessions:

  1. Establishing common ground: setting the scene
  2. Common challenges in eHealth – panel session
  3. Exchange of best practices and looking ahead

Further information

If you want to know more, please contact Marina De Giorgi, Leonie Schaefer or Neringa Jackevice or see the event wiki page (federated login required).

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