With Lise Fuhr formally starting her new role as GÉANT CEO on Thursday 21 November after the GA meeting, we would like to take this opportunity to say au...
New GÉANT CEO Lise Fuhr officially takes up her new role today, following the November General Assembly (GA) meeting, succeeding Erik Huizer who held the role...
Today, the interconnected fabric of Research and Education Networks all over the world and their collaboration enables high-speed transfers of scientific data...
New Consortium MetrANOVA to Create a Measurement and Analysis Toolbox for Research and Education Networks Worldwide Founding members ESnet, GÉANT, Indiana...
At the November GÉANT General Assembly (GA) meeting our members voted for the position of Chair of the Board and for two open GÉANT Board Member positions...
The GÉANT Annual Report 2021 is published today, 13 June 2022, following approval at the General Assembly (GA) meeting held in Trieste, at the start of TNC22...
The origin story of today’s infrastructure lies in the high-speed, high-capacity networks used in academic and scientific research. In the April/May...
Seven leading regional and national Research and Education networks and organisations across multiple continents announced the establishment of the...
Renewal of MoU expands collaboration between Europe and Asia-Pacific regions, new members added 7 March 2022, Bangladesh. After three years of successful...
A new platform with scientific presentations from the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Information Processing – PRIP 2021 – has been...
Vocabulary differences, changing technologies, and lack of clarity about policy make greater e-health support by research and education networking...
Even before COVID-19, the shift to online activity was occurring in ever wider sectors of society, including health and medicine. Several national research and...
A close-knit community of researchers and educators in Ukraine is a goal with good prospects, following a webinar by URAN Association on 17 December 2020. The...
Even before COVID-19, the shift to online activity was occurring in ever wider sectors of society, including health and medicine. Several national research and...
A new community events calendar and management system went live on 8 September, replacing the long-lived EventR platform run by GÉANT. A ‘manual’ for the new...
Dear GÉANT community, In these strange times, we at GÉANT hope you are well, healthy and safe. Seeing each other online is good, but just can’t replace...
As the whole world is adapting to working and studying from home in the time of COVID-19 pandemic, in Ukraine researchers, students and teachers have a new...
Ramaz Kvatadze was a scientist when he helped to found the Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association, GRENA. This year he saw it come of age as...
A broader group will represent the Special Interest Group on Marketing Communications – SIG-Marcomms – as its steering committee says goodbye to two long...
Students, researchers and academics in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia will be better able to collaborate internationally thanks to improved Internet...