Community News Education eduroam

Two Years of Metro eduroam!

This article was originally posted on RENU’s website

Launched on 1st September 2020 as a solution to connectivity challenges faced by students and staff during the COVID-19 national lockdown, Metro eduroam has continued to take root even now when schools have been fully re-opened.

Having started with just 300 hotspots concentrated in the country’s Central Region, the Metro eduroam reach has nearly doubled in the number of hotspots and geographical coverage, in just a span of two years. In terms of geographical coverage, Metro eduroam has spread from just the initial three cities of Kampala, Mukono and Entebbe, to 14 more towns in other regions across Uganda as well.


This incredible growth has been partly attributed to the growing appreciation of eduroam by the member institutions as seen from the gradual increase in the uptake of the service. The number of institutions connected to eduroam has increased from 22 as of 1st September 2021 to 72 by end of July 2022.


Read the full article and discover more about the fantastic growth of metro eduroam in Uganda!

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