In Focus Network

New learning unit in the Network eAcademy: Process Flow Orchestration

GÉANT Network Automation eAcademy - Process Flow Orchestration

A new unit is now available in the GÉANT Network eAcademy as part of the “Decoupling & Integration” track: Process Flow Orchestration.

In this unit, we cover the essentials of Process Flow Orchestration and explore the complexities of managing workflows through advanced logic and coordination. Dive in to learn about Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) for process modelling, explore leading orchestration platforms and see how they boost business automation and efficiency, and finally get equipped with the knowledge to implement effective orchestration strategies.

You can follow the unit here (login required):

Course duration: 45 minutes
Trainer: Bojana Koteska, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

Visit our training portal for more information and to access all Network Automation eAcademy units and the interactive training map, a visual tool to help you follow your self-paced training, based on your interests:

GÉANT Network Automation eAcademy Map - 30 July 2024

Join our monthly open meetings: on the first Tuesday of every month, trainers and experts in the Network eAcademy are available during one-hour calls to answer all your questions and to collect your feedback and training requests. Simply contact the Network Automation team at or to receive the link to join the room.

About the GÉANT eAcademy

The GÉANT eAcademy is an online learning space created by the community for the community and supported by GLAD, the GÉANT Learning and Development team. It is continuously growing with technical and personal development courses.

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