Save the date and start your travel arrangements to join the 21st meeting for the Special Interest Group on Network Operations Centres (SIG-NOC). The meeting will take place on 13-14 November 2024 in Berlin, kindly hosted by DFN.
The first day will cover topics such as RPKI, routing security, geographic information systems (GIS) and a special talk from Peter Szegedi from the European Commission on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The day will close with a social dinner in the heart of Berlin.
The second day will focus on presenting solutions for challenges encountered in NOC troubleshooting, user cases on network visibility and insights into the DFN network and GÉANT Automation Platform, and there will be various captivating flash talks. The meeting will end with a discussion on how AI is affecting networks and data centres.
The agenda will be updated, together with all the information about the meeting here:
We are looking forward to your proposals and to meeting you in Berlin!
The Special Interest Group on Network Operations Centres (SIG-NOC) brings together NOC managers, developers, operators, controllers and project managers as well as network engineers involved in the integration and optimisation of NOC-specific tools, workflows and processes. To learn more about this group visit their page on the GÉANT Community page: