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Infoshare: Network Development Service Updates 23/05/2023 11:00CEST

This infoshare will provide updates and future plans about the production service platforms – NMaaS and SPA and new developments in GP4Lab.

NMaaS (Network Management as a Service) is a platform providing a portfolio of network management applications run as dedicated per-user instances in the cloud. Users from different institutions and countries already have an access to the production GÉANT NMaaS-based service. Now a new virtual lab use case is being implemented and the migration to a new hardware infrastructure will start soon.

SPA (Service Provider Architecture) is the architecture and the platform to manage network services in a uniform way with the use of reusable components, an orchestration engine and a set of open standard APIs. Integrated with OpenNSA the platform is used to run the GÉANT Connection Service (GCS) for setting up L2 circuits in the GÉANT infrastructure.

GP4Lab (Global P4 Lab) is a global L3 overlay network composed of 30 P4 programmable switches available for advanced network traffic experiments. It is a fast growing initiative including efforts to build an orchestrated and automated network testing service.

The event is organised by Network Development Work Package (WP6) of the GÉANT 5-1 project. For more information contact

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