There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to our colleagues working for T&I, which shows perfectly in this series.
Let us introduce you to Nana Manukyan, strong ‘Explore – Dream – Discover’ advocate.
Who are you and what do you do?
I am Nana Manukyan and I work at ASNET-AM (Academic Scientific Research Computer Network of Armenia) as a user support team head. Besides that, I deliver lectures at International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA teaching “Information Management” to Master’s students.
What is your study and professional background?
I have two Master’s degrees: one of which is in engineering and the second master is in economics. I am working at Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA as an engineer.
How did you end up in STEM?
I think this is genetic: my parents are engineers and almost all my relatives have engineering or technical education background. I’m even married to a senior engineer 🙂 I love math lot and try to develop creative thinking among students trough math.
Are there any challenge(s) you face as a woman in STEM (personal, in the sector, in T&I)?
In my professional career, I have never come across challenges because of being a woman, just the opposite. When after graduating from university, I started working at Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, a group of young men headed by a chief engineer was designing and developing the first scientific computer network in Armenia. I was lucky to work with them, we are a real team, and even when users had a problem connected with the network operation, they would always call and ask – “Who is there out of guys, is Nana there”?
What is it you do in the field of T&I?
ASNET-AM network connects more than 60 academic, scientific, research, educational, cultural and other organizations in 6 cities and areas of Armenia integrating them with GÉANT. Most of networking services are provided through the Armenian Federation Identity for Research and Education (AFIRE). AFIRE helps users to keep their identity information at the home institution and can access services offered by the institutions participating in the Federation. I verify and regulate that user registering to AFIRE belongs to particular organisations.
Name your greatest experience or achievement in T&I work
In the course of my long-lasting professional experience my best achievement is the increase in the number of T&I community users and network development, which I consider both personal and team victory.
Any inspiring words for our readers?
I always use the following quote by Mark Twain as a motivation tool to inspire my students– “Explore, Dream and Discover”.
Explore: Try to find a job that you would do with love, since you spend one third of your life at work, and if you spend it on doing what you love.
Dream and get enough sleep: dream is closely connected with your feelings of happiness, so do not forget about rest which is vital.
And, of course, discover the world and its wonders, never stop being surprised at its miracles, since the world is full of them.
From all the men and women at GÉANT, we would like to show our gratitude to the female career tigers, young professionals, researchers, students, mothers, experts, in short all the hard working women contributing to not only trust and identity, but all the work we are doing in R&E networking.
Make sure to keep an eye on the GÉANT blog and social media channels and follow the campaign under #GEANTwomeninSTEM.
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