TNC19: Good times.. good times..

Anyone familiar with ‘Good Times’ by the Persuasions? That’s exactly the song that comes to mind when we think about this year’s social events at TNC!

Tallinn promises to be a creative, relaxed, inspiring and beautiful city and we are making sure that the conference as well as the social events fit perfectly with it. From running to enjoying delicious bites, to dancing until you can’t any more, we will promise you that you won’t leave Tallinn without a few new contacts!

Here’s a quick overview of our events:

Morning Run | Monday 17 June, 08:00-09:00 | Start: Kultuurikatel

Distance: approx. 5 KM. We are very pleased to inform you that the first 30 runners to register will receive a free commemorative TNC19 t-shirt that will be ready for collection at the registration desk. Register here today!

Opening Reception | Monday 17 June, 17:30 – 19:00 | Kultuurikatel

The Opening Reception will take place at the Kultuurikatel, TNC19’s venue, right after the last parallel session of the day. Finger food and drinks will be served at the bar.

Kick-Off Party | Monday 17 June,  20:30 – 24:00 | Bar F-Hoone

This year, TNC will host its first ever Kick-off Party and we all know it’s gonna be fun! Come and spend time with old friends, meet new ones and mingle with all of us in a fun, relaxed and informal atmosphere. Live music and drinks included!

Conference Dinner | 18 Tuesday June, 19:30 – 22:30 | Seaplane Harbour Museum

The conference dinner is TNC’s social programme highlight. This year’s venue chosen by EENet is the Seaplane Harbour, the very popular Estonian Maritime Museum. Are you up for a night at the museum?

Alright, since the song is still stuck in our heads, let’s get you in the mood as well, shall we?

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