8 September will soon be here, and with it, your chance to learn how to use the new GÉANT and community events management system that will be launched on the same day. Register here.
This one-hour training session will start at 11:00 CEST and will take you through the new system, which replaces the long-established EventR community calendar and events registration tool. The EventR calendar overview will still be available while the new system becomes established, and a few events that already contain registrations will continue to have their registration functionality in EventR, but the ability to create new events via EventR will be disabled as from 8 September 2020. We therefore strongly recommend you to switch to using the new events management system as soon as possible and to sign up for this training session!
The new system
The new events management system is based on CERN’s open-source Indico tool, and includes federated login. The system will allow you to:
- See a calendar overview of community events, so helping you to avoid scheduling on dates that clash with other useful events;
- Add your own / other known community events so that they are part of the calendar overview;
- Open and manage registration for your own events.
The training
The live training session will demonstrate how to use the new system to set up and manage your own events, including use of registration forms and agendas.
We will arrange further opportunities to access this training information at a later date.
Further information
The calendar in the new system is publicly viewable. To register for events you can access the new system using your federated login. If you need elevated access rights to create/manage events, please contact us at help@geant.org