We are delighted to announce that (N)RENs in the South East Europe region are coming together to showcase their services and present all the possibilities available to their end-users in the arena of open science.
The Forum will take place on 3 – 4 November from 10.00-13.00 CET, it will be fully online and free of charge to all participants.
Registration is already open:
NRENs and scientists to carry out their work and reach their projects’ milestones. Connectivity, identity federations and security are only a few examples of how NRENs can support open science activities.
The 2021 SEE User Forum, jointly hosted by the GÉANT project with NI4OS Europe and EOSC Future, will provide a platform where NRENs and researchers will share their experience. In particular, it will showcase services such as AAI to enable the regional research community to connect safely and securely to their peers.
The event programme is starting to take shape, the main areas of interest will include Open Science, Erasmus+, pan-European research and academic collaboration.
If you are interested and want to find out more or if you want to contribute to the programme, please contact Marina De Giorgi from GÉANT Partner Relations at marina.degiorgi@geant.org.