Community News EOSC Open Science

Sara Garavelli nominated for the EOSC Association Board

Sara Garavelli, EOSC Program Manager at CSC
Sara Garavelli, EOSC Program Manager at CSC

GÉANT is delighted to announce that Sara Garavelli of CSC will be standing as Director for the EOSC Association Board at the forthcoming General Assembly in December.

Sara is EOSC Program Manager at CSC, leading stakeholder engagement in the EOSC Future project and coordinating the EOSC Finnish Forum, the national structure supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.

Many within the EOSC community will be familiar with Sara from her extensive work in infrastructure projects over the past decade. She has been instrumental in the Research Data Alliance, EUDAT, EOSC Nordic, EOSC-Hub, EOSCsecretariat and Blue-Cloud, amongst many others.

Sara brings a positive and constructive approach to collaborations, finding solutions that enable all partners to make valuable contributions. She acknowledges that a great deal of enthusiasm and effort is needed to achieve great things and is inspired to bring this passion to the EOSC Board.

Sara says: My main objective, if elected in the Board, will be to reinforce the dialogue between the EOSC Association and its members and better articulate the EOSC value proposition to its different stakeholders at national and European level. I want to help EOSC develop meaningful partnerships with other high impact initiatives such as EuroHPC and the European Data Spaces in order to create synergies and position EOSC’s role in the wider ecosystem.

Sara’s extensive expertise in stakeholder engagement and wide network of collaborators across the EOSC ecosystem makes her well-placed to achieve these goals. She works transparently and builds trust by ensuring open, continuous dialogue. Her style motivates others to engage and feel they have important role to play in developments.

Andreas Dudler, Chair of the GÉANT board says: CSC has a very diverse portfolio of services and is well-placed to make valuable contributions to the EOSC. In Sara they have found an excellent communicator and engagement expert who has critical skills to bring to the EOSC Association Board. I encourage you to support her candidacy.

We encourage the community to support Sara at the forthcoming election in December. Her motivation statement and CV can be seen online.

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