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TNC22 early bird registration now open

It’s been ages since so many of us met up in person at TNC19 – pretty much 31 months since we waved goodbye after an amazing conference in Tallinn.

Yes, virtual TNC21 was awesome. (We’re not bragging. You told us that.) But don’t you miss the sights, sounds, smells, and all-round sensory overload that a face-to-face, in-person, non-virtual real-life TNC brings?

Where you don’t miss that special keynote moment because you had to answer the door for a delivery? Where the BoF you wanted to join doesn’t coincide with feeding the cat? Where you get to spend proper, quality time with new and old friends without a Zoom filter making you look younger? OK, that last bit isn’t so bad…

Then we have great news!

Because TNC22 is on! And we mean properly on! We are going all in with a real-life TNC, with inspiring keynotes, BoFs, demonstrations, actual physical people, coffee and cakes, hotels, morning runs, TNC social events such as the Conference Dinner and Kick-Off party, and all that stuff we love so much about TNC!

And we’re doing all that in style, in the beautiful Italian city of Trieste.

What more do you want?

Early bird registration is now open and will be available until midnight March 8, 2022. Are you ready to register and join us in person again?


Wait, what about the C-word?

We get it. Not everybody will be able to travel. COVID-19 is affecting different countries in different ways. And we welcomed so many new participants to TNC21 who cannot normally attend. We do not want you to miss out, so we are also offering an online participation option. If you attended last year, it won’t be like TNC21, but you will be able to live stream all sessions and watch recorded sessions. The live chatrooms will be running too. Remote participation is free of charge and will be opened in February, but you do need to register.

Visit our dedicated page for relevant COVID-19 updates.

You can subscribe here to join our TNC mailing list and receive TNC22 updates directly in your inbox.

In the meanwhile, we hope you stay safe and healthy.

This article is featured on CONNECT39! Read or download the full magazine here
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