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Cybersecurity, the human factor and the GÉANT Project

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

The Human Factor Task 2 (T2) within the Work Package 8 (WP8) for cybersecurity in GN5-1, the latest iteration of the GÉANT Project, will meet for the first time on 9-11 January 2023 in Utrecht, hosted by SURF.

What is the human factor in cybersecurity?

A human-centric approach to cybersecurity is about education, understanding and awareness, and shifts the focus from a purely technical angle to one that addresses the wider complexity of the threats adopted by cybercrime today.  Human psychology, social and cognitive factors need to become part of the security professional’s agenda. To achieve this human-centric approach, organisations need to embrace the human factors: this area of psychology links human behaviour to engineering and elements of computer science to develop a more holistic approach to cyber risk management.

Charlie van Genuchten, Product Manager Security from SURF and T2 Leader comments:

“Our task focusses on awareness, training and crisis management and comprises 21 colleagues with a broad range of skills from 14 different NRENs. I can’t wait to bring the entire team together and to kick off our plans for the next two years. We look forward to sharing the outcomes of our meeting and to supporting the NREN community with targeted training courses, crisis exercises, awareness events, useful guidelines and more. Let’s start as we mean to go on!”

To find out more about T2 on the human factor, contact Charlie van Genuchten, SURF
For more information about WP8 on Cybersecurity contact Alf Moens, Security Lead at GÉANT and WP8 Leader

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