A new technical unit is available in the Network Automation programme of GÉANT’s Network e-Academy! This recently published learning unit introduces NetBox, a broadly used tool for documenting network infrastructure, which has become very popular among research and education institutions.
The course is particularly useful if you are considering using NetBox for your own documenting needs, or if you are looking to get familiar with it in order to interact with an existing deployment.
In the unit, you will find a broad introduction to the features of NetBox, and considerations on how this tool can be used in configuration management workflows.
Follow the course by watching the video and consulting the accompanying documents and notes here: https://e-academy.geant.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=582 (login required).
Course duration: 25 minutes
Trainer: Joseph Hill, University of Amsterdam, MNS Research Group
Visit our training portal for more information and to access all Network Automation eAcademy units and the interactive training map: https://wiki.geant.org/display/NETDEV/Network+Automation+Training.
And don’t miss the chance to join our monthly open meetings. On the first Tuesday of every month, trainers and experts of the Network eAcademy are available during one-hour calls to answer all your questions and to collect your feedback and training requests. Simply contact the Network Automation team at network-eacademy@lists.geant.org to receive the link to join the room.