Featured In Focus Network

New website showcases GÉANT Network and GN4-3N Project

New GÉANT Network website

By interconnecting Europe’s NRENs and providing high-speed links with other global regions, the GÉANT network is essential for Europe’s research and education communities. The GN4-3N Project is building on this position with the most significant refresh of the network in a decade, aimed at supporting the rapidly growing needs of these communities for the next 15 years.

Helping to showcase this is an all-new website (network.geant.org) with news and updates on the GN4-3N Project, information on our international connectivity and partners, and access to the GÉANT interactive map showing global reach.

And – thanks to the recently announced BRIAN framework – you can see up-to-the-minute network traffic on a selection of routes.

We’ll continue to add content to the site – so if there are particular things you’d like to see, get in touch!

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