The next meeting of the Special Interest Group on Management of Service Portfolios (SIG-MSP) will take place on 10-11 October 2023, in Athens, Greece, hosted by GRNET.
On the first day, there will be a round table on ‘the next big things and top challenges’ – either discussing your NREN or your job and subject area. Following on, there will be Lightning Talks, and time for questions and open discussions about what the community needs. During the second day, there will be a focus on AI in NREN Service portfolios, and what the future may look like in this respect. Finally, a second set of lightning talks will cover the SWITCH Connectome project, the preparations for the upcoming ‘OCRE 2024’ tender in the context of the GÉANT GN5-1 project, and a discussion on how to reach user groups.
The meeting will be co-located with the South East Europe (SEE) Directors Forum on October 11.
Details for the agenda can be found here (login required):
SIG-MSP meetings promote collaboration between Research and Education Networking organisations in Europe and other regions on the topics of strategic, business and cooperative management of services. For more information visit the dedicated page on the GÉANT community website:
Communications Specialist at GÉANT