7 July 2021, 14:00-15:30 CEST
This Infoshare is aimed at GÉANT Members and Associate NRENs and will cover a series of Open Science case studies being developed to share best practices across the network:
- FAIR support via DeiC, Rene Belso
- Connecting compute and RDM at SURF, Mari Tinnemans
- CRIS procurement via HEAnet, Fi Coyle
- Discussion on other Open Science support happening in NRENs, Sarah Jones
- Where to go next with case studies
This infoshare is part of the ongoing mini-series of GÉANT Infoshares on EOSC and Open Science.
Practical information:
- The Infoshare will be recorded and made available through the GÉANT GLAD Website: https://learning.geant.org/infoshares/
- The link and the password to join the ZOOM room will be shared with the registered attendees before the event