3 Days, 4 international performances, 52 participants from 20 countries and 37 different organisations, out of which 8 NRENs – these are the amazing results of...
Tag - network
Save the date and start your travel arrangements to join the 21st meeting for the Special Interest Group on Network Operations Centres (SIG-NOC). The meeting...
Anyone who has watched Formula 1 will be astounded by the skill and coordination needed for a pitstop. 20 people working in a well-trained team to change all...
The high jump is one of the most traditional Olympic sports. Since Ancient Greece, athletes jumped forward until 1968 when, at the Olympic Games in Mexico...
The 15th meeting for the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks (SIG-NGN) will take place on 9 September 2024, co-located with the NORDUnet...
Trinity College Dublin announces the launch of the €1.3 million ‘Twilight’ project, aiming to revolutionise optical networks with cutting-edge...
Words: Elisantila Gaci (RASH), Robert Tadevosyan, (ASNET-AM) and William Kibirango (RENU) If you want to turn your Wi-Fi drama into Wi-Fi nirvana, WiFiMon is...
The sight of a communication line unspooling from the stern of a large ship, drifting down to settle on a dark seabed that we know little about, surrounded by...
Words: Boris Dintrans, CEO of RENATER and Laurent Gydé, COO of RENATER RENATER, the French National Research and Education Network operates a secure national...
Simone Spinelli, network architect at GÉANT, was featured as a guest in Episode 95 of The Imposter Syndrome Network Podcast, where he recounted his career...
Listen to the new episode of the RIPE Labs Podcast that delves into the early history of the Internet, featuring exclusive interviews with three key figures...
Interest in this year’s edition of the GÉANT Innovation Programme increased significantly, six projects were successful with awards of up to EUR 50,000 each...
37 on-site and 17 remote participants attended the 20th SIG-NOC meeting on 7-8 May in Helsinki, Finland kindly hosted by CSC/Funet. During the two-day event...
The 20th SIG-NOC meeting will take place in Helsinki, Finland on the 7-8 May, kindly hosted by CSC/FUNET. The first day will discuss Data Lakes in Data...
The fourth European perfSONAR User Workshop will take place 14-16 May 2024 hosted by Sikt in Trondheim, Norway. It will bring together perfSONAR user and...
The Italian research and education network is expanding its new optical infrastructure, GARR-T, thanks to the recent acquisition of a subsea link to Sardinia...
400 Gbps Spectrum-based Circuits Deployed on New Subsea Cable System to Advance Global Scientific Collaboration and Innovation WASHINGTON, D.C., March 14, 2024...
What are the steps that should be taken to ensure that your organisation has embraced network Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation (OAV)? How would you...
As the next step in global collaborations in the GÉANT Network eAcademy, the training programme dedicated to network automation (aka Network Automation...
OAV Architecture Workshop Analysing National Research and Education Network (NREN) architectures from an orchestration, automation and virtualisation (OAV)...